‘Nightmare in Dreamland’ [WWASPS]

On Parenting

In today’s day and age, being a parent is a very trying situation to be in.

We all know that as a parent, it is our job to raise our children to be an embodiment of our values, moral thresholds, and other qualities which we may not always possess but wish to see them have. I guess parenting is a catch 22, per se. We may have failures, shattered dreams, and problems, but always wish to see our children surpass us in some way. There are countless seminars, books, resources, etc, that facilitate being a “good parent”. Arguably, the best way to be a good parent is to BE the PARENT. It is an experience, a path we choose to take in life, and there is never one route to pick.

As time goes by however, we soon come to find that our children, especially in today’s world, face a lot of problems…

In no order: delinquency, substance use/abuse, emotional fragmentation, identity issues, defiance and even certain mental disorders; just to highlight a few.

Our worst fear as parents/future parents’ is that our child will go down the wrong path.

But, what happens when our child indeed does go down a path that is filled with some of these problems?

And what happens when as a parent you feel that you are at your breaking point but wish to help them?

Today, we seem to think that a “pill” may fix some of these problems outlined, sometimes even figure that ‘there is something wrong with my child’ due to x, y or z as a consequence of z, y, or x. Truth be told, there very well may be, but let us also consider the key role that the Pharmaceutical Industry plays. [That is neither here nor there and is perhaps a topic for another time in the future. But should STILL be considered nonetheless.]

What is another alternative to better help our child/teen?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

What could I possibly be talking about?

This is where I introduce the true scope of my blog post; I am talking about sending your son/daughter away to a rehabilitation program/therapeutic boarding school/concentration camp/mind control slave factory/ or just in case I wasn’t being specific, HELL.


They say not everyone can get into heaven, but sometimes. . .you have to pay to get into hell.


Tune In, Bug Out! BzzZzzZzzZzZzz [WWASPS]

These types of programs exist all over the world, under different affiliations and names, the sole purpose being: to help troubled youth get back on the right path with the implementation of ‘rigorous but fair’ program guidelines, which vary from institution to institution.  In some cases doing much more harm than good.

Completion of the program usually required years, due to the nature of each individual and the situations for which they were sent here…It is also worth noting that most were U.S. citizens which were on foreign land, and the laws get murky.

While readers must understand that not every place is like this, they must also understand that some indeed are. [As of the date of this blog post, there are currently only two KNOWN programs still in effect as part of the WWASPS]

One specific program that was under investigation/shut down [sometime in 2000, by the Samoan Government] is called “Paradise Cove”.

Paradise Cove, at first glance the name certainly catches your attention.

It seemingly establishes itself as a healing retreat; it does so in a way that makes parents automatically think it is a true place of rehabilitation combined with the endless pictures of nice seas, beautiful trees, smiles and “hope” . . .

As a parent, one would be inclined to think it is Paradise; perhaps living up to the name. Sadly, this is NOT the case.

This specific location was part of an organization called WWASP[S] [World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools] which was founded by Robert Lichfield, later on incorporated in 1998.


Specialty Programs or Brainwash Experiments/Psy-Ops?

Former students have described this as nothing but a pure hell hole which seemed to bring in significant profits from the program’s influx of troubled teens that left them with scars, haunting nightmares, and personality changes/deficits for life. These boys and girls were just like Prisoners Of War! Some committed suicide and self-harmed so that they could escape this nightmare.

…Come to think of it…does this not seem like interrogation methods testing for implementation in military operations?

[Considering this, thanks in due part to the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act ,United States of America), many years AFTER the original framework regarding personality which sought to make — “direct controlled changes in personality”—Americans, and others around the world were able to shed some light and Information regarding these inhumane experiments carried out from the 1950s until, possibly,  current day! There were many lawsuits against the CIA, Hospitals, Psychiatric Wards, Doctors, Staff Members, etc. There was a lot of money being poured into this research, with probably good reason but not so much of a “good” application.

See: Regarding Lawsuits/Class Action Suits/Testimonials  https://thefreethoughtproject.com/families-mk-ultra-victims-file-lawsuit-over-government-mind-control-experiments/ and many more with a simple search]


A Glimpse Into The Past: Psychic Driving and Donald Ewen Cameron

The following is an excerpt from a documentary that was detailing the psychiatric association and the role Dr. Cameron played in the advancement of psychology during the 1950s and 1960s; covertly sponsored by the CIA. Not to be mistaken/related with Dr. Alan Cameron.

This is the textual excerpt below.

“Announcer: “But Cameron would plunge on. The next step was what he called “psychic driving”; this involved almost endless tape-recorded messages and more drugs for the patient.

–Cameron wrote that this was the way to make direct controlled changes in personality.

–Cameron used this combined sleep electroshock treatment on patients as long as 30 days. One patient he kept asleep for 65 days.

Ewen Cameron: “this brain has not only been washed as they say, it has been “dry-cleaned”, [laughs].”

The video is fairly old, the documentary was done in the 1980s , a simple google search may yield a few videos that were part of the original documentary.


“Ok, so what? These are boarding schools, not government research facilities!”

At this point some readers may be thinking how declassified research documents with government experiments delving into personality Connected to these WWASPS programs.

I’ll tell you.

The [WWASPS] program [generally] intended to improve the behaviors of the students that attended these facilities but, after the endless suits filed against the WWASPS organization as a whole and some of their staff, the truth was hard to dismiss.

And like with anything in history, intentions are different than actions.

[Supplementary Material (To better understand the following sections. Based off of real experiments carried out between 1950-1980s)HIGHLY worth reading! Here is a link to another WordPress detailing the work, or you can submit a FOIA request to the applicable government sector. https://monarchprogramming.wordpress.com/category/alters-and-triggers/

Info regarding FOIA requests, you can use it for anything at all! Even to find out budgets for certain key people in our government, salaries, tax cuts, directories, and anything else you can imagine within our federal government. It goes without saying that IF “there is nothing”, you won’t “get anything”.

See: https://www.foia.gov/how-to.html

Numbers & Drones

From what some survivors of the WWASPS programs have mentioned, there seems to be a type of system embedded or rather “patterned” into the attendees.

They went by Levels which ranged anywhere from 1 through 6, how an individual would ascend in level was dictated by a variety of inhumane prerequisites.

Some of these involved the following:

  • Working out until you vomited, and then eating your own vomit.
  • Fighting against other “levels”
  • Hiding your face, in a face down bottom up position when boys passed by. [girls]
  • Sit in a staff approved [stress] position for 24 hours and more.
  • Make sure other’s in the [boxes] do not escape. [These boxes kept some students for weeks at a time]
  • Listening to endless tape-recorded messages while drugs were administered. [In a similar fashion to the research done by Donald Ewen Cameron – MK-ULTRA headed by the APA of Canada between 1950-1960.]
  • Restraining and surveying others.
  • Not talking for months on end.
  • Deceitful practices involving ‘backstabbing’ and ‘life or death’ decision making. [Think watching other students get beaten to a pulp and not being able to do anything to help.]
  • Varying between 1 hour of depressive affirmations, 1 hour of anger/pain affirmations, and 10 minutes of “positive” affirmations. Cycling through various emotional states for months on end at times. [Some participants never passed beyond levels 1-2].
  • “Bus Barn”/Reflection

And many more which are too extreme to write about. Keep in mind these facilities were for MINORS not ADULTS. And even then, no one deserves this.

***The levels also carried significant weight and responsibility extending even to be a “junior staff”. Levels were hated by everyone, and sometimes created hostility amongst the attendees, guilt trapping many of them. ***

Many institutions were part of WWASPS, but their guidelines and parent pamphlets did not at all coincide to what actually went on in these intuitions.

Here is a link to one such pamphlet, Paradise Cove, some pages are missing; the actual contracts are not included but you can get the general idea of what they entailed.  [ See: Program Pamphlet: http://wwaspsurvivors.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/IMG-1.pdf

Code Red! Code Green! Code: Name?

Apart from the levels [see pamphlet for level breakdowns and clearances/”rights”] there were also names given to the groups in which these individuals were placed in. These groups usually were referred to as families. Some of the names given to these families coincidentally resembled certain trigger phrases with a lot of psychology behind them.

The names seemed to include code words, presumably triggers, that were reinforced through certain actions/seminars.

Theorized [by attendees, and some psychologists] to have been linked to some type of dismantling security features within the program; in technical terms, a possible self-destruct option like in computer programs. [not literally in this case, or maybe so. See: Psychic Driving – The Legacy Of Donald Ewen Cameron]

Names/Families seemed to correspond to levels as well.

Some of the “Families” included (in no order):

  • Bold
  • Loyalty
  • Freedom
  • Red Velvet Cupcakes
  • Pride
  • Honor
  • Merit
  • Glory
  • Valor
  • Justice

From the various accounts that were given by the victims of these experiments it is agreed that these were proxy families with the pure intent of breaking the person through re-modifications, in other words “helping” the troubled teen. Unfortunately, [and also good] some people cannot be broken, only fractured, and even so that can be repaired too, others however were not so lucky…

The “families” consisted of anywhere between 10 to 20 males/females in any given group [separate of course]


Interrogation Methods Tested for Implementation In Military Operations?

[To Be Added]

Quote by an Individual regarding the use of this DATA

Interesting thing, all these families seemed to have some form of codename……And if you follow basic military training seminars, videos, news etc., from all over the world and locally……Codes are everywhere, as a programmer, codes are everything. These “families” that they had were clearly part of the brainwashed and interrogation methods that were being tested. This is the reason some had family names like “Pride, Patriot, Brave” etc.…..These families coincided with the same treatment [abuse, rape, beatings etc.] and what not attempting to break these “agents” ……[in the military these families are referred to as your squad or unit, Alpha, Delta, Foxtrot, etc.] but perhaps that was a rogue move from the fucked up staff. Although they were in charge, they were themselves enemies of our homeland, America. So they messed with the program rules and methods to prevent the further investigation into these methods and did damage but prevented the research from being usable and eventually the program was scrapped, little by little; some are still in effect.”


Final Words on this Topic

The torture these people faced is enough to write a book about [some people have].

The individuals who have endured these horrible situations have given reports to various news outlets, filed suits against the organization/staff, and continue to seek help while spreading awareness through activism.

As always, this organization [WWASPS] is very large and although most locations under WWWASPS have been shut down [due to government raids due to complaints, and human rights violations] ; there are some locations still active. There have been various documentaries and human rights violation suits since the late 1980s up until the present day!

Unfortunately, the type of abuse and ‘brainwash’/’tool conditioning’ that these folks have endured does not always get better, EVEN with therapy.

These youth had a few problems prior to going to these places: drug abuse, partying, declining grades, mood problems, etc…but AFTER attending these facilities they came out with more problems than ever before…PTSD, waking up in a cold sweat, crying, hallucinations brought on by trauma, physical scars, post electrocution spasms-seizures, inability to return to a normal life in society, and so much more.

You, the reader, CAN make a difference in the lives of these people!

There are various sites that provide advocacy, and if you or someone you know has been subject to this type of torture feel free to visit this website and submit a report.

Site to submit Report*** http://wwaspsurvivors.com/ ***

-On this site you can see the various types of reports that others have submitted as well as connect with others if you were there during the applicable years. There are federal suits already on-going as well as some out of court settlements! Money does little for these people, but pursuing legal action ensures that these sick bastards running the places answer to the Law, as well as ensuring that they NEVER have the ability to work with the youth.

This following link is a Site that lists various types of programs similar or related to WWASPS that also allows victims of this torture to share the experiences and helps spread awareness of the corrupt system these organizations use to trick parents.

Site with a Database of Facilities: http://www.heal-online.org/thelist.htm

-Feel free to report anything and everything.

Sites & Advocacy

There are many MORE sites and things you can do but these should serve as a bridge between what is already known and publicly disclosed. The links I have provided are 100% true, if referring to research, but may be presented in the form of someone else’s take on the situation.

As far as any resources/databases, they are also accurate and up to date.

Survivor Databases/Real Accounts of what went on

Here are some accounts by some survivors, many have died due to self-inflected injury following the trauma, some have less than normal lives, some were killed during the stay at these places, etc. But one thing is certain: the physical scars show these survivors what they went through, the mental scars remind them.

[There are some disinfo agents in some of the comments, but like all things, the TRUTH trumps lies/disinfo. The multiple law suits filed, examinations by news teams, Department of Justice findings, as well as survivor accounts should suffice to let you know that the attempts by cronies [WWASPS] set up to make less of the situation are futile.


On Parenting

Don’t give up on your child, there is no replacement for the love, patience, and lessons you as parents have to offer your child. Sending them away, no matter how bad the situation is, should NEVER be an option! Some parents, psychologists, teachers and sociologists will argue that certain circumstances will lead to an ultimatum in which intervention is necessary.

After reading this excerpt, I hope you will at least consider other ways to better help your child instead of ignoring the problem, making it someone else’s, and possibly further complicating things. Parenting should never be through systematic reform, instead through compassion, lessons, and perhaps an authoritarian view.

Parenting is not meant to be treated in mechanical terms, humans are not machines.