CORONAVIRUS Insects: Temperature AND COVID [Cooling Systems And Airborne Transmissions] 8.18.2020

Coronavirus: Past [ Present], Future: An Overview

From Small Beginnings: Insects and The Minuscule World in Relation to Pathogens, Viruses, and New Diseases.


‘The Insectoids and the Crown”

Genetic Mutations and Genome Sequences: December 2019 – Present Day

Insects -> Animals ->Humans ->??????

Intro: [Media / Non-Hypothetical Abstracts] : AIRBORNE TRANSMISSIONS

Over the past few months, the coronavirus has garnered the attention of many scientists, individuals and countries worldwide. To put things in perspective and not just reiterates feedback loops, one thing is certain: the pandemic was itself live as early as November 2019. The disease/virus has undergone [at the very least] mutations of sorts.

The disease is airborne for sure, it has been discussed. That said, humans lose skin cells and other particles that latch onto them throughout the day without realizing. In reference to the CORONAVIRUS we are now being told that this virus / pathogen is in fact airborne. As such the means of transmission has just increased [I would presume] from the original model to a 90% infection rate due to the fact that air carries these things like pollen for MILES. Something as minuscule and invisible to the naked eye can certainly be hard to describe and analyze unless samples of water, air, body, temperature are properly collected and looked at closely.

Considering THAT, it is quite easy to study the reactions in something like insects, animals, and of course people.

Everyone has analyzed people, since this pandemic went LIVE.

However, the academia and scientific community have neglected to include the very fact that the insects and animals [upon review of past literature] have in the PAST transmitted diseases like this to humans.

That said, these very means prove one thing. The infection means for these aforementioned species have certainly one thing in common. Possible mutations depending on the HOSTS genetic and cellular makeup.

Given the current state of modern science, this IS possible, as evidenced by medical and scholarly journals that detail and talk about this occurrence in reference to karyotypes and genome sequencing.

CONSIDERING ALL OF THAT, nobody has discussed the following-> how does the mutation from an insect, animal and humans vary when cross contamination occurs?

The virus is different in molecular structures, but how about when analyzed in terms of SPECIES ONLY?

We live in an eco-system, as such we are ALL part of it, In reference to COVID, this opens up room for scientific speculation with scientific literature and basis.


Experiment: Insects and AC Units ‘[Recycled AIR”]

Many credible media sources have stated [such as ABC news/the CDC and other foreign and national NGOs] the following: Air conditioning units are recycling air from outside in relation to the pandemic. That is a given, however after many reports and credible sources have advised to wear masks INDOORS …The following MUST BE TRUE:

AIRBORNE – that this method of transmission is dangerous, and AIRBORNE covers EVERY area within a location, city, STATE, REGION, COUNTRY, WORLD.

Does COVID recycled AIR crystallize and freeze the airways? Does that transmit quicker after in an airborne trial?

IF SO, how FAST/ does transmission spread among the individuals around?  [Considering that droplets ad air that we breathe in and out is also “RECYCLED’. That said, we are either, “walking air purifiers or walking toxic units, as a metaphor for how individuals vary in their processing of oxygen and pollutants.


In scientific terms: either we can process more oxygen rich air after breathing in, or we walk around multiplying the airborne element of COVID. These are all subject to change / dependent on factors: Temperature, location, region, genomes, etc et al.








Transcript: Experiment #1 – Minuscule Bugs.

Video starts with a zoomed in version of the Air Systems “COLD”.

*Pans camera to the insect that is seemingly frozen in place and does not moved when vibrations are made by tapping the wall. Most insects would generally move quickly if not immediately when presented with a foreign object such as a thumb that is bigger in comparison to the insect itself. *

Check it. [tapping sounds] insect does not move.

“its getting hit by the cold air, it does not move, almost goes into a docile hibernating state.

Check this out.

*produces wind by blowing*

Does NOT move.

Zooms in to the insect in question that is being hit by the cold air very closely and in comparison, to animals and humans, is quite small.

“Does not appear to be moving, THAT CLOSE.”

Oh, there it is, it appears to be moving.

VERY, very Different in response…only because there is light right there.

This is the weirdest phenomena I have ever seen.

What does THAT tell you?

Upon analysis.

[apart from the fact that you can see everything is bad, in relation to region of film.]

Blows warm air at the insect.

What does THAT tell you, look at how close my hand is.



That is NOT normal behavior; if you are ALL familiar with insectoids and the insect world, in terms of ecosystems…this is NOT typical behavior for this type of uh, its not even an arachnids, what would you call it, this type of insectoid.


First and foremost, they DO NOT GO NOT GO COLD PLACES.

 They frequent light. This one seems to be exhibiting behavior that has never before been seen.

These flock around light, not COLD dark areas, as stated.

This experiment has been tried with other animals…

[Film Passed to Channels.] Contacted other affiliates to analyze their own respective flora and fauna.






Transcript # 2

What’s going on tech hobbyists, activists, journalists, media, really anybody, individuals.

So it’s been about, roughly twenty to thirty minutes, [from prior posting]

This is still the room; this is in reference to the coronavirus report from many mediums.

Basically, –[interruption—im sorry for that]

So anyways, as you are all aware, they have been basically talking about the air conditioning and AIRBORNE transmissions worldwide. How that can spread particles of coronavirus because if you do not have any ventilation systems, that is a bad thing.

Alright, so, there have been many experiments.: for those of you out there that have dogs, cats, birds [reptiles]…what have you, any animal, and let us not forget people, we ourselves are very much like animals.

We are distinctively very different. Yet at base, that is what we are.

This small insect should serve as a means to prove – and not even prove only but exemplify! –this very phenomenon—if its TRUE [im not a scientist, this is JUST inquiry.]

Its as easy as taking your camera and recording a set OF things.

*pans camera*

Okay so right there, that’s where the air conditioning and all of this air is going—keep in mind its summer, we have the cold air—as stated, we do not put that on. Never seen it ever be cleaned. [breeding ground for bacteria as stated by the CDC and reports, even with clean filters.] the air comes from OUTSIDE. And back into the atmosphere it goes.

Okay, so that animal [insect] right there is not moving.

Irrelevant, regardless, after everything weve been dealing with.

I put my hand right here, the air is coming straight at it. This is a small animal,m an insectoid, so for it to have any reaction to this, would be very different in terms of it being compared to a human, bird dog, cat, etc.

The reactions would be different.

As it being very smaller, of course it would be crystallized and frozen in place way easier than all of these animals.

Now look at this

*taps and hits the wall producing sound waves to make it reactive*

Im literally hitting, touching around, look at how close my fucking finger is… and its not moving.

It appears to be docile, okay there it moved, but I had to touch is antenna.

Its not moving.

Is almost like its frozen in place.


You see its not moving, there is no response from its antennas, it doesn’t appear to be moving them at all.

This was already done in dogs and cats, by many people. Worldwide.

Animals would produce an effect that was sluggish, delayed response, obvisouly body temperature decrease. And this was all done worldwide.

This is merely a report, not even a report, merely an observation if you will.

Im by no means an expert, I just get information that Is Credible.

I see something that is interesting or beneficial and I showcase it.

This is the easiest experiment. There is not, literally—im not doing anything that is THAT intricate.

Anyways, BEWARE—they have been talking about electromagnetics, temperature controls, global warming, all of this stuff is interconnected to COVID, we are dealing with this stuff in the current decade.

In reference to that: there have been countless reports where they advocate for wearing MASKS AT HOME.













 IF THESE ARE THE EFFECTS ON BUGS, one has to question, what is the effect ON US? [side note: we do not have a temperature gauge on OUR floor but it is cold that my own glasses are fogging up indoors. Just a  side note. Imagine that insect and what it must be feeling. ]
























#Vlog: #Examples of “#Gangstalking”/#PsyOps” #Safety #LiveUpdates – In #Chicago #IL

The #tactics being used in this #video are reflective of the ones being used to make people “psyched out” within the contexts of a situation that i commonly referred to as “#gangstalking
I do NOT call this gang-stalking, this is blatant #espionage on a #LOCAL level and tied to the criminally minded.
Case and point: I made a video talking about every situation that I am involved in.
Fortunately this has been detailed for the past few years and everything has been referenced in applicable reports, understanding THIS concept I have also informed multiple people/contacts/departments and other associates overall.
The situation changed this past weekend [7/10/2020 – 7/14/2020] when I took pictures of our cars and my immediate family for safety reasons and sent them to other contacts and in the process the #national and #international chapters of security…[#MilitaryIndustrialComplex/#SurveillanceChapters]
Once they saw THAT (documenting ourselves and our cars and property) [these people are here 24/7 and barely leave the house.]
All of a sudden they started calling us more often and there was an increase in the amount of calls being placed form their phones as well. In contrast: before any of this was done this past weekend these family members would NOT CALL AND THEY KEPT TO THEMSELVES.
Now they [identity cloners] seem to be integrating themselves into our life so as to not arouse suspicion of their activities [the individuals living on the first floor and basement levels under MULTIPLE IDENTITIES.]
#PSA Once again: this ALL happened after we took pictures of everything and sent them to our contacts. ALSO TOLD THEM OF EVERY SITUATION, BUT THEY HAVE KNOWN THAT FROM THE BEGINNING. 
The following is an overview of the TACTICS commonly used: These would involve the use of the covert tracking of individuals, interference of communications, triggering situations and stimuli, threats, physical assaults, lies, manipulation, sound manipulation, as well as the use of other technologies that serve the purpose of these stalkers.


There is a part two to this #Vlog, which details the system in the #IWCC with my #WorkersCompensationCase 16 WC 37220 , as well as the situation with #MethodistHospital @ 5025 N Paulina St Chicago IL [#HumanRights and #CivilRights abuses]. Everything that I stated in THIS video also applies to the entities described here: IWCC, Attorneys, Methodist Hospital, Hospitals in general
[On January 3rd/4th 2020, I was told by hospital staff that I would be “PUT DOWN” and this was documented and the police know about this situation, and so do other agencies. There are multiple witnesses for this situation, and the area was very public, and there were many people there that day.
By neighbors, corporations, non related family members, personnel, etc et al. MORE THAN ONCE. 


#Vlog #SurveillanceInAmerica | #ModernDayMilitantStandings – Civilians Targeted Over #FreeSpeech!? 7.7.2020


Программы по выживанию в #США очень реальны, и они уже известны и подробно обсуждаются. Однако моя ситуация немного отличается. Меня зовут Энтони Брито, я живу в #США, и с тех пор, как я начал изучать закон и психологические подходы, которые военные используют в повседневной жизни, стало ясно, что эта страна коррумпирована. Немного предыстории: Так что я говорю о системе здесь и не извергаю ерунду или пропагандистскую риторику. Я цитирую статистику и обзоры нашей собственной страны нашей собственной страной. Они не будут показывать это по телевизору, они просто смотрят в обратном направлении, в котором никогда не обсуждается реальность Запада, возможно, чтобы поднять настроение проамериканцев, что не удалось, как вы можете видеть из недавнего набора ситуаций, в которых #США были заголовком: IE: #GeorgeFloyd, #COVID #WHO, Санкции против стран и т. Д. И др. Как указано, я говорю об этих темах и психологических подходах. У меня нет никаких связей с правительством #США, и я никогда не принимал работу здесь с каким-либо отделом, поэтому я могу говорить по этим вопросам. Это повлияло на мою жизнь во многих отношениях. У меня несколько правовых ситуаций: одна – дело о компенсации работникам с 10 ноября 2016 года – адвокаты не помогали и пытались сорвать и саботировать мое дело. Очень прямо сказал мне это. (Смотрите мои другие видео.) Костюм verus #JewelOsco. Много злоупотреблений и коррупции. У меня также есть ситуация с несколькими больницами, которые нарушили права человека и гражданские права в #2017 году. Методистская больница. Кроме того, ситуация с кражей личных данных в наших помещениях – это отдельная, но повторяющаяся проблема, возникающая с #2003 года. Очень немногие сектора этой страны хотели помочь, когда их спросили / когда отчеты были представлены в соответствующие департаменты, которые работают на налогоплательщика. Мало кто хотел помочь. Даже адвокаты чмо … Неслучайно рассмотрение всех этих ситуаций лишь подтверждает тот факт, что эта страна рассматривает любого, кто понимает закон о текстах и подходы к противодействию им, как угрозу. Зачем? Потому что вы не согласны с обманным путем, а также четко понимаете законы и главы государства, которое к ним относится. В моей ситуации Иллинойс. С тех пор подача заявок на работу и программы отсюда откатывалась назад и сознательно делалась таким образом, чтобы попытаться остановить меня. Невозможно, потому что обучение ничего не стоит. Тем не менее, я знаю, что выполнение этого на нескольких платформах привлекает внимание ко мне, но мне все равно, в этом суть. Зачем фокусироваться на больших нишах, когда все наше общество здесь – обычный человек? В любом случае, все эти вещи, которые я здесь изучил, являются правдой, продолжаются, и департаменты теперь не хотят помогать. Вы знаете, как это называется? Это называется препятствием на пути справедливости и несоблюдением закона. Вот почему я делаю #vlogs, это может случиться с каждым, кто не видит его так же, как дроны на ТВ хотят, чтобы это выглядело так, как будто они это делают. Основные СМИ здесь шутка. В настоящее время это мирное время во время отметки военного времени в наших текущих взаимосвязанных историях. Тем не менее, я живу в #США, но не согласен с ерундой или системой, потому что эй, половина людей в этой системе не так хорошо. Кроме того, страны мира также смотрят на страну таким же образом. Если именно так они относятся к гражданскому населению, представьте, что они думают о других странах, в которых также есть гражданские лица с противоположными идеалами в отношении США! Я даже не начал углубляться в программы слежения и шпионажа, но не ошибаюсь, они работают 24 часа в сутки, и, похоже, они отслеживают только высокоприоритетных людей, которые возмущаются взглядами Запада. Похожи на дипломатов и то, как они нацелены из-за похожих ситуаций. Дело латиноамериканских стран. Хотя это тема для другого времени.

Future #Vlogs Will Be In Another Language / Presentations Will Be Translated. #StayTuned.

#Updates Of Our Situation In #America – #WorkersCompensation, #IDPH, #CivilSuit, #SSI, #Property, #BeingAMinorityInAmerica

♿️I have been dealing with a stalled #WorkersCompensation case since November 10th, 2016 that has left me with permanent limitations. Have not received any money and the case is relying on dated information.
The attorneys hired NEVER HELPED arguably. (They were all pro bono, now I am representing myself apparently.)
[—Karmel Law Firm—Joshua Karmel, Filed the case until December 2016, had direct connection to the company through the #Union, was a conflict of interest.
James P McHargue—
Joshua Turner—Told me to my face “it sounds like you got played”. WHO SAYS THAT?
Horrible attorneys that sat on my case for a while and kept switching between them , probably waiting on me to settle and take nothing while they knew/know that #DDD /#DegenerativeDiscDisease is a lifelong painful condition.
Jason P Carroll—2018.
This man used to work at a law firm called KFEEJ: Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson & Bareck.
He seemed genuine at first but he never sent me to any doctor, has still NOT filed the motions to get my payments reinstated, and the weirdest thing was he went to a different law firm while on my case— called Aleksy Belcher & Associates.
🔔I have applied to #SocialSecurity/ SSI for roughly the same amount of time and they are denying it for no reason only because the landlords do not know how to fill out property forms. (Which is why I reached out to agencies and other associates a while back, still nothing.)
At the same time these mentioned entities ALL had/have these medical files in #possession and #SSI stated they can’t reach out to them? But before they had told me they could. I included all these people there anyways. Social Security has everything as they have a valid authorization to reach out to EVERY location I’ve visited and acquire the medical files.
‼️Even the hospital (Methodist Hospital Of Chicago —5025 N Paulina, Chicago IL) with the #CivilRights & #HumanRights.
I had help from Lisa Reynolds and other branches / departments of government that helped / are helping. #IDPH, #ADA, #DoJ. Some were more willing to help than others.
I received files (over hundreds of pages) from Mrs Reynolds that shows how bad the hospital was; which I already knew due to what I underwent. It also showed a long history of health and safety breaches.
There was an attorney (Oppenheimer) that was going to take my case but he was uninterested if it meant that it was a #ClassActionLawsuit to help everyone and shutdown the hospital. This MAN HAS A PAPER THAT HE SCANNED (Report /IDPH also have this) THAT WAS THE ENTIRETY OF WHAT HAPPENED TO ME. Didn’t take the case due to the Class Suit…
After that I began to research and reach out to people and also get in touch with these agencies / government departments.
Pursuant to #42CFR there is NO WAY or reason why the Workers Compensation Commission would be using unrelated files out of the scope of the workers comp case.‼️
I have attempted to apply for #medicalcannabis since I cannot keep taking these narcotics and pills prescribed for my work injury / anxiety / PTSD ; my PCP is of little help and that’s probably because of conflicts of interest within my case. (Work Comp) —a multitude of dispensaries and even the IDPH states that any physician can certify that to apply. My medical records vouch for that.
Every time I move it is very painful. When I’m standing, sitting, laying down, etc.
When I turn my head or any body part it cracks and clicks. Any movement hurts and causes this. This has gotten worse since I got off of my pills but they did not fix the problem.
I have applied for a lot of employment opportunities but they do not offer much.
The Jewel Osco on Broadway (5343 N Broadway— The accident was the result of #OSHA violations which I made reports for during those times and they keep denying that. But the reports were filed nonetheless. My work injury was the result of leaking pipes overhead our work area that were taped up, and a few days prior to my injury they had all burst EVERYWHERE in the store. On the sales floor and in the EMPLOYEE WORK AREA. EVERYTHING IN THAT AREA WAS RUINED AND SO WERE ITEMS.FOOD. EVERYTHING. IT TOOK THIS LOCATION DAYS TO FIX THIS, and they fixed it by taping up pipes and taking shortcuts. The worst Jewel Osco ever.
can’t even apply for #Unemployment because of a situation that involves identity theft/identity cloners living on our property occupying the basement (haven’t paid rent in 17 YEARS) and the first floor. We live in the attic. They only rent, we own the house.
That’s a separate matter but also impacts my family’s ability to apply for assistance and other programs. We were seriously being questioned if we were Citizens when we went to apply for benefits at a location near Humboldt Park. Why?—because the identity cloners using multiple names and aliases occupy the lower levels of the house through scamming my elderly
parents and The state doesnt know those people live there under pseudonyms. Certain departments told me to report them and submit proofs of their aliases. So I did and opened up a US POSTAL SERVICE investigation (among others: #IRS, #IDPH, #SSI, #FTC etc. This issue started in 2003 — but has impacted us severely and I brought it to the attention of counsel and another broker in 2018/2019.
Where we live has a ton of hazards, once I contacted an exterminator / inspector the tenants downstairs started making renovations. (March 2020–Present Day)
Everything that the homeowner is responsible for is literally in the lower levels: Water control, Central cooling systems control, electricity controls, etc.
Much more that’s going on as well. My posts and sites delve deeper into these ordeals, thanks for your time all!
This is the way my life has been since 11/10/2016. Impacting my ability to find employment, health, family, schooling and dealing with serious legal matters.
Update 6/18/2020 – I have been in severe pain and have relied on pain medications which I have tapered off of; the pain has gotten worse and I am worried by that as well as have pending trials in workers comp and the civil suit versus Methodist, property issues, etc.
The fact that I am a minority and disabled further shows how corrupt this system and country is. If I were white there would have been action and I wouldn’t have had to do all this in the manner which I had to. Everything has been proven. All issues I have delved into on here.
#America is a racist country that is very broken and I do not want to live in this country; i have been trying to move to a different country. This one favors corruption, whites, and discrimination.

#PSA #USAInterception of #Connections @SONY / #@YouTube [Example:#OnlineGamingCommunity #USA/Abroad] 5.23.2020



The widespread use of #Espionage due to the lack of reliable #intelligence being given to the #USGovernment is reflective of the #TaxPayer and the evolving state of “Intelligence” overall.

When you have a $100Billion dollar industry that fails to obtain actual intel on subsidiaries, businesses, nations etc, it is clear that not only do we fail to coordinate with the #international sectors of security but that we are losing money / failing to bridge connections within the contexts of the #Intel Community at large.

This presents a problem within the current administration(s) and is why #OpenSource intelligence is more rational than to sink so much money into an outdated model.

“Secret intelligence is costing the #US #taxpayer $60 billion dollars a year.” -Robert Steele, CIA

For THAT price which has now gone up to ~ $100 Billion dollars for the taxpayer /#Systems in the #Local/#National sectors …there is less than 10% of #reliable/#credible intel. —Do YOU really trust #NewsOutlets in #America / a #Country that conducts #Espionage 24/7? IE:The #USA.

#GovernmentInterception of #Connections @SONY / #@YouTube [Example:#Online #Gaming #Community #USA

For those of you that have complete faith in this #Country, you need to re-evaluate where you stand and realize that many #politicians are ALSO taking an open PUBLIC stance to ensure protecting the #PrivacyRights of all those involved.

The general #civilian DOES not have ANY contractual agreement with the #US #Government therefore this presents a gray area in terms of #connections, #Government #interceptions, and the right to #Privacy within the contexts of the #DigitalMediums pursuant to APPLICABLE LAW [Considering #InternationalClauses.]

In this example I will be using one the most major mediums known to date, which is the #OnlineGamingCommunity.
Over time, the standard of #livestreaming has seen an increase overall, that said EVERY #business with direct or indirect affiliation to these very mediums have their own set of #PrivacyClauses as well as #TermsOfUSe within the legal writings of our #Nation – The #USA.

ESPECIALLY once we get into #InternationalLaw and #ForeignPolicies.

I contacted @Ubisoft : Interceptions/DataBreaches while Playing a title Called #TomClancysTheDivision just to bring awareness to this issue affecting not just the consumer/#entrepreneur playing said game but the business itself. [IE: Ubisoft, EA, KONAMI, etc et al. ]

How exactly does this affect #business interests?
The #USA uses civilians and the [worldwide] #gamers as proxies to intercept, divert, or connect through covert methods to the other side of the connection [IE: Fake Cell Towers to Trick you into giving ‘them’ #DataClusters.].
This has been proven with the use of #OpenSourceTechnologies as well as due to the many people that work in #IT.
This does not ONLY affect the #Privacy of the #Gamers but extends toward another area of the platforms being used, #abroad.
Whether you are a #PCGamer, #XboxGamer, #PlaystationGamer, #NintendoGamer, #WiiGamer, etc et al. We can all agree that we have a diverse community of creators and as such their data – through proxy their affiliates and ultimately business as a whole – MATTERS!
This is how the act of #Espionage is used to gather intelligence on other #Nations. That is quoted directly from the #USA statutes themselves. [Look up the #Federal, #National and #Local statues of your respective states / #Countries.]

NOTES / #DigitalLogs
Interceptions still ongoing right now, #DDoS attack on IP address [In the past #SONY helped me figure out who was DDoS’ing ,me during competitive games] applying this same methodology to the #Privacy aspect of Society and #Games we can track the ways in which the #USA does this while breaching the #Rights of #Citizens at home and abroad.

During a live-stream connection appears to be directly targeting device and devices in the entire area of this community in #Chicago,#Illinois.

Logs supplemented by applicable affiliates IE: #@YouTube/#@Twitter/#@Ubisoft/#@EA/#@SONY/ etc et al.
As gamers from very diverse backgrounds it is important to understand where #transparency and #Privacy merge on a #personal, #individual and #general level.

We ALL play games, but that does NOT give the #USA any right to intercept the #transmissions of those we join lobbies with, play with, and collaborate with.
This is especially important in the age of #YouTubeCreators. Esepcially during #COVID where many are out of employment and have no other means by which to make money other than to live stream ANYTHING.

Especially if they happen to be situated abroad; this presents a serious #DataBreach problem at home as well as abroad / This is why there is a coalition of #AntiEspionage #gamers, #communities, and #civilians at large. [Even certain key #politicians see the necessity for this to be addressed and to stop this from happening EVERYWHERE IN THE #USA.]

To put this all in perspective:
IF the most basic levels of #Privacy are breached through something so mundane/’basic’ as #gaming; imagine what the higher levels of #Government are dealing with. [Case and point: #RussianCollusion / #ComeyTrial / #FISAWarrants, etc et al; just to name a few instances of our UN-Democratic society.]

Many #Senators are also becoming involved in this stand against #Espionage versus our own #People, #Citizens, and #Nation at large.

#Illinois does not seem to be taking the same stance as other states, while we are #democratic per se, this State DOES NOT represent the #People and certainly fails to uphold the #Law.

Notes: The #InternationalSectors of Security are ALWAYS involved, that makes this priority number one.

I speak on behalf of ALL when I say “#Espionage has no place in the #USA.”

Exposé On The #LegalSystem In #Chicago,#Illinois / Personal Legal Matters Circa 2016 /2017 – Present Day


#Chicago, #Illinois
Hey, all.
Thanks for taking the time to check out my #Vlog. This started off as an investigative effort to assist others in their endeavors as well as bring many things to the public’s attention.

I usually do not write much about myself but as the current situation around the world is unfolding and many people are just focused on the wrong things I figured it would not hurt to actually focus on myself as well while assisting others with similar endeavors.

The past few years have been quite hectic and very trying. The thing that started it all was a Slip and Fall injury that happened at the #JewelOsco that I work at in Chicago, Illinois. The store location is 5343 N Broadway, Chicago Illinois, 60641.

“Anthony Brito VS JEWEL OSCO / WILDCAT OPCO, LLC / Sedgwick / MyAlbertsons”
To preface this all, I knew nothing about #Law at the beginning of all of this.

I have had a #WorkersCompensation in the state of #Illinois – {16 WC 37220} since 11/10/2016 – and have seen no source of income due to the way in which the #industrialWorkersCompCommission operates.
I have made reports to #OSHA as well within the specified time frames and applicable statutes pursuant to the #Illinois chapters of the #GeneralAssembly. [As well as #National/#Federal Statutes.] I have also reached out to the #OIG, the #FTC, the #USDOL, and other agencies that assist the #civilians in these such matters but do not only exclusively work in these areas entirely.

On 11/10/2016 at around 2pm, as I was attending to a customers request I had a work injury that left me with permanent restrictions to this day. As I was exiting our employee work area and returning to the sales floor I had a full body slip and fall injury.

“Much later on during the span of the case (to this day I have yet to see any money from this ordeal and the basis for which the case is being contested is very minimal and flawed. They are relying on PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION AS WELL AS IRRELEVANT AND DATED DOCTOR EXAMS; specifically a dated #IME—In legal terms this is a ploy from many insurance companies to hire a doctor to basically deter your case and have someone “see it their way instead of viewing it realistically.”

There ARE many #ConflictsOfInterest within this #WorkCompCase.
The level of deliberate #corruption and callous disregard for the manner in which the #Legal divisions uphold the #Law in #Illinois [#Chicago] needs to be internally audited by an external committee that is #nonpartisan, holds no #bias, has exclusive oversight, in order to ensure that these individuals actually get re-acquainted with what it means to be a #professional. The #Law applies to ALL. As such, this is why the #democratic approach within the courts of #Law has become so #corrupt.

Some would argue that the very agencies I have described / assisted me are corrupt themselves, but they do more for the #TaxPayer than a private local sector of the #Nation that has clear problems in conducting business, interpreting the #Law and actually considering the claimant.

The other situation where #CivilRights / #HumanRights are concerned – #MethodistHospitalOfChicago [Separate Video On that] also has multiple violations and you would not believe the types of things that go on in that place. [Conflicts of Interest through business subsidiaries.]
I had help from the #LegalDivisions of the #FOIA Departments.
[Thanks to Former President #BillClinton for establishing #transparency in an age of complacency – The creation of the #FreedomOfInformatonAct.] As well as Mrs. Reynolds and her Committee.
To the #Eavesdropping and #wiretapping going on in#America; though Ii infringes on #PrivacyRights , maybe this is why these things are done huh?
They further highlight the #Western’s collective failures to function within a #Democratic #Nation.
Update: still no money and the corruption these #companies and #healthcare facilities engaged in is criminal.
Every single thing is reflective of that.

The #WorkersCompensation commission is playing the waiting game.
#SSI is the most broken entity.

I truly dislike #Illinois and know many feel the same way.
From #Civilian to #politician.

The #Media is aware in reference to the #Hospital situation; have given them the applicable information. Circa 2017.“Report”

#Espionage Being Conducted By Our Own #Government —#SpyingInTheUSA: #Citizens, #Nations, #Countries [5/15/2020]

#Espionage Being Conducted By Our Own #Government#NewPodcast with #DigitalLogs to backup these claims. —#Transmissions being intercepted by #Local government sectors in #Illinois.
The attached picture serves as an example of the “gray area” where #PrivacyRights are concerned.[#OpenSource Technologies exist to detect these illegal methods of spying on the #American #Society at LARGE.]
HOWEVER; the use of #covert #technologies to target an individual within a #general area overstepping #public / #privacy clauses within the framework of our government should be treated as an act as an act #espionage and #treason by the #Local and #National levels of #Security. Examples: With #Opensource #technology and assistance from outside governmental divisions that apply to the very foundations within the #USA. “Spying is Illegal.”
There are so many #RFTowers and #bases in the area that are spying on #US civilians. This is not some bullshit #QAnon, we have names and we are at base the foundations.
Note: for the #international and diverse cultural community as a whole; this presents a very serious problem. Within the #USA, as well as abroad.
This is the literal meaning of #Espionage and the use of technology on the #American population (which is mixed) to spy on their own.
THAT crosses international boundaries. FYI.
To those of you that I have met in person, through the #digital mediums that dominate our current world, etc et al. You have been targeted by the #USA while you were in the #USA; even after leaving the country [for whatever reasons] the #USA continues its surveillance of your very conversations, logs, transmissions, #telecommunications, etc et al. This creates an #International / #Global breach of security. I am nobody, but some of you are very high in the status of the world “rankings”. Let this be a lesson, civilians, friends, associates, the #USA has gone rogue again.
“To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace. Intro To The United Nations Charter – Circa 1945”
“Democracy has proven to accomplish one thing; the decline of the country at home before it ever affected anything abroad. “

|CIVIL SUIT VS METHODIST HOSPITAL OF CHICAGO – Circa Early 90s – Brought To Public View July 2017 [No Lawyer Representing Over 40+ People!] #FOIA Thread In Relation to Ongoing #Ordeals | Not the first #FOIA submitted; first time they took this long. Got news of another request quicker.. #Legal #AllSectors #Information #FOIARequests #FOIAInquiries #Logs #SpringfieldIL #Data #USDOL #PublicEntities #PrivateEntities – 5/14/202


Updates: My #FOIA Request for documents pertinent to this location / #Hospital were complied with yesterday; however much has been omitted. Yet, as stated, the most #credible you can get at this point is from #testimony, #people’s input, and #evidence. #Health #Safety #IDPH
April 17, 2020 – They responded earlier than the set date, thank you. Uploaded To Servers For Those Participants In  The Class Suit. 
Ladies and Gentlemen,#TheDepartmentOfJustice


Not only can it NOT handle matters that are affecting our #Nation, but it looks the other way where #HumanRights/#CivilRights are concerned. Though that is no surprise. If it were not for these other government sectors, we’d be


UPDATES: The #DoJ – Incompetence At The #National Level AND #Local Level As Well.
‘Get an attorney’ – Telling ME? Yet they neglect one very fundamental element – the hundreds upon hundreds of grievances filed at this location.
Through the use of outside help, sources, government sectors, etc et al – Methodist Hospital Of Chicago is shown to have the worst track record of ANY hospital in the #ILLINOIS sector of #MentalHealth. 
During a time when #COVID strikes fear into the hearts and minds of many worldwide, the only thing that strikes #FEAR into those that oppress is the multilateral cooperative efforts of the #People they oppress.
” Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. ” – Anthony Voltaire 
“We regret that we are unable to further assist you in this matter” – DoJ
– I regret that the state of affairs within your administration is crumbling and unable to help your own employees, citizens, as well as #nation overall.  – Anthony Voltaire , 5/14/2020
“Alleged” “possible”; if these government agencies have complete oversight, how is it possible they lack the files / materials referenced in multiple reports? Clear disconnect and unorganized manner of operations. Though as you have all seen, that is the standard with the #DoJ.
The Color Of Law Turns a blind eye to the minority community; but out from the shadows springs a uniform cooperative resistance movement that will forever dictate the lives of those living in this country. 
This will dictate the lives of many for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, years from now.
SideNote: #PsyOps not only failed to be run successfully but also completely fractured #AmericanSociety to bring their own downfall successfully. 
IT IS ‘illegal’ to run these campaigns abroad, but even more criminal to run these campaigns at home.
Thus we arrive the #NewDawnOfTheWorld – where we have no control, and neither do our totalitarian #Leaders whom swore to the oath.
The road is never set in stone; how can it be? This was never THE “#American Home”.

Character Defamation Online / METHODIST HOSPITAL EXPOSÉ (Chicago, Illinois) —Video On YouTube @ABCaliber

Are we going backwards in terms of mental health care?
Considering the current standard of #Psychology and #Psychiatry in the #USA, many would argue that we are still adhering to old dated principles with complete disregard for the patients as well as the practice as a whole.
During the 1970s and onward the standard of care was so #medicine based and bogus that there were many #Shutdowns of Hospitals across the nation as well as class action lawsuits as a result of these ordeals.

The victims of these #PsychologicalOperations (Then and Now) are still being affected in the current timestamp. Nothing has changed drastically except the amount of #médecines created as well as the #DSM becoming lengthy in size.
(In the early 1950s it was literally a pamphlet; the #DSM that is…)

The manner in which these hospitals operate is not only sinister, but it threatens our American population as a whole. The countless accounts of survivors and testimonials by individuals worldwide serves as a reminder that advancement is not only based on the practice but the principles upon which said practice is built around.
#Psychology #Psychiatry
In this video I provide my own eyewitness testimony of the current standard across #America for minorities as well as overall.

The Original Video is Over an Hour long–The other version I have uploaded is the audio version.

>>>This is merely the intro to a very lengthy civil rights and human rights abuse video that I have tried uploading to YouTube for about a week now.

So I uploaded parts of it and currently rendering the video. >>>

(For The #Gaming and #Livestream community.)

<<<The other mediums I used to tell this personal story / #Journalist testimonial are taking a while to process but rest assured: ALL IS REVEALED.>>>

#MethodistHospital attempts to hide their workings and operations in #America; total disregard for #National #Health and #SafetyGuidelines.
#CivilRightsAbuses #HumanRightsAbuses #HumanRightsAdvocate

#FOIA requests were sent out and what I received back was downright disappointing and astounding in the sense that it confirms WHAT I ALREADY KNEW but further shows how our #MentalHealth care in #America is treated criminally for minorities. Not just that, it gets even more interesting. . .

—“Healthcare Smear Conspiracy?—
#JewelOsco Affiliates were / ARE complicit in the undermining of #Health protocols engaging in records “espionage” to deter a workers comp case.
Many entities have my health records, Enough said.

—“Questionable Business ties between hospitals”!—
Methodist Hospital Of Chicago bought out by Thorek Memorial Hospital Affiliates. I am a patient at the latter. (Have been for a while. Since my workers compensation case, this has been my exclusive hospital overall. For my work injury.)
Washington Bureaucrat—Hussein Ibish @Ibishblog engages in Online #Defamation and runs a deliberate #Smear campaign while publicly slandering me as well as defaming my entire family and self, only because I publicly shared an instance of #SafetyConcerns with warranted reasoning.

All this and more.
#FOIA REQUESTS / #FederalRequests / #Journalism /#Vlogs #RealLife

To Support #CivilRights /#HumanRights and Demand Action Be Brought–Other Individuals and Families Involved!

‘Nightmare in Dreamland’ [WWASPS]

On Parenting

In today’s day and age, being a parent is a very trying situation to be in.

We all know that as a parent, it is our job to raise our children to be an embodiment of our values, moral thresholds, and other qualities which we may not always possess but wish to see them have. I guess parenting is a catch 22, per se. We may have failures, shattered dreams, and problems, but always wish to see our children surpass us in some way. There are countless seminars, books, resources, etc, that facilitate being a “good parent”. Arguably, the best way to be a good parent is to BE the PARENT. It is an experience, a path we choose to take in life, and there is never one route to pick.

As time goes by however, we soon come to find that our children, especially in today’s world, face a lot of problems…

In no order: delinquency, substance use/abuse, emotional fragmentation, identity issues, defiance and even certain mental disorders; just to highlight a few.

Our worst fear as parents/future parents’ is that our child will go down the wrong path.

But, what happens when our child indeed does go down a path that is filled with some of these problems?

And what happens when as a parent you feel that you are at your breaking point but wish to help them?

Today, we seem to think that a “pill” may fix some of these problems outlined, sometimes even figure that ‘there is something wrong with my child’ due to x, y or z as a consequence of z, y, or x. Truth be told, there very well may be, but let us also consider the key role that the Pharmaceutical Industry plays. [That is neither here nor there and is perhaps a topic for another time in the future. But should STILL be considered nonetheless.]

What is another alternative to better help our child/teen?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

What could I possibly be talking about?

This is where I introduce the true scope of my blog post; I am talking about sending your son/daughter away to a rehabilitation program/therapeutic boarding school/concentration camp/mind control slave factory/ or just in case I wasn’t being specific, HELL.


They say not everyone can get into heaven, but sometimes. . .you have to pay to get into hell.


Tune In, Bug Out! BzzZzzZzzZzZzz [WWASPS]

These types of programs exist all over the world, under different affiliations and names, the sole purpose being: to help troubled youth get back on the right path with the implementation of ‘rigorous but fair’ program guidelines, which vary from institution to institution.  In some cases doing much more harm than good.

Completion of the program usually required years, due to the nature of each individual and the situations for which they were sent here…It is also worth noting that most were U.S. citizens which were on foreign land, and the laws get murky.

While readers must understand that not every place is like this, they must also understand that some indeed are. [As of the date of this blog post, there are currently only two KNOWN programs still in effect as part of the WWASPS]

One specific program that was under investigation/shut down [sometime in 2000, by the Samoan Government] is called “Paradise Cove”.

Paradise Cove, at first glance the name certainly catches your attention.

It seemingly establishes itself as a healing retreat; it does so in a way that makes parents automatically think it is a true place of rehabilitation combined with the endless pictures of nice seas, beautiful trees, smiles and “hope” . . .

As a parent, one would be inclined to think it is Paradise; perhaps living up to the name. Sadly, this is NOT the case.

This specific location was part of an organization called WWASP[S] [World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools] which was founded by Robert Lichfield, later on incorporated in 1998.


Specialty Programs or Brainwash Experiments/Psy-Ops?

Former students have described this as nothing but a pure hell hole which seemed to bring in significant profits from the program’s influx of troubled teens that left them with scars, haunting nightmares, and personality changes/deficits for life. These boys and girls were just like Prisoners Of War! Some committed suicide and self-harmed so that they could escape this nightmare.

…Come to think of it…does this not seem like interrogation methods testing for implementation in military operations?

[Considering this, thanks in due part to the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act ,United States of America), many years AFTER the original framework regarding personality which sought to make — “direct controlled changes in personality”—Americans, and others around the world were able to shed some light and Information regarding these inhumane experiments carried out from the 1950s until, possibly,  current day! There were many lawsuits against the CIA, Hospitals, Psychiatric Wards, Doctors, Staff Members, etc. There was a lot of money being poured into this research, with probably good reason but not so much of a “good” application.

See: Regarding Lawsuits/Class Action Suits/Testimonials and many more with a simple search]


A Glimpse Into The Past: Psychic Driving and Donald Ewen Cameron

The following is an excerpt from a documentary that was detailing the psychiatric association and the role Dr. Cameron played in the advancement of psychology during the 1950s and 1960s; covertly sponsored by the CIA. Not to be mistaken/related with Dr. Alan Cameron.

This is the textual excerpt below.

“Announcer: “But Cameron would plunge on. The next step was what he called “psychic driving”; this involved almost endless tape-recorded messages and more drugs for the patient.

–Cameron wrote that this was the way to make direct controlled changes in personality.

–Cameron used this combined sleep electroshock treatment on patients as long as 30 days. One patient he kept asleep for 65 days.

Ewen Cameron: “this brain has not only been washed as they say, it has been “dry-cleaned”, [laughs].”

The video is fairly old, the documentary was done in the 1980s , a simple google search may yield a few videos that were part of the original documentary.


“Ok, so what? These are boarding schools, not government research facilities!”

At this point some readers may be thinking how declassified research documents with government experiments delving into personality Connected to these WWASPS programs.

I’ll tell you.

The [WWASPS] program [generally] intended to improve the behaviors of the students that attended these facilities but, after the endless suits filed against the WWASPS organization as a whole and some of their staff, the truth was hard to dismiss.

And like with anything in history, intentions are different than actions.

[Supplementary Material (To better understand the following sections. Based off of real experiments carried out between 1950-1980s)HIGHLY worth reading! Here is a link to another WordPress detailing the work, or you can submit a FOIA request to the applicable government sector.

Info regarding FOIA requests, you can use it for anything at all! Even to find out budgets for certain key people in our government, salaries, tax cuts, directories, and anything else you can imagine within our federal government. It goes without saying that IF “there is nothing”, you won’t “get anything”.


Numbers & Drones

From what some survivors of the WWASPS programs have mentioned, there seems to be a type of system embedded or rather “patterned” into the attendees.

They went by Levels which ranged anywhere from 1 through 6, how an individual would ascend in level was dictated by a variety of inhumane prerequisites.

Some of these involved the following:

  • Working out until you vomited, and then eating your own vomit.
  • Fighting against other “levels”
  • Hiding your face, in a face down bottom up position when boys passed by. [girls]
  • Sit in a staff approved [stress] position for 24 hours and more.
  • Make sure other’s in the [boxes] do not escape. [These boxes kept some students for weeks at a time]
  • Listening to endless tape-recorded messages while drugs were administered. [In a similar fashion to the research done by Donald Ewen Cameron – MK-ULTRA headed by the APA of Canada between 1950-1960.]
  • Restraining and surveying others.
  • Not talking for months on end.
  • Deceitful practices involving ‘backstabbing’ and ‘life or death’ decision making. [Think watching other students get beaten to a pulp and not being able to do anything to help.]
  • Varying between 1 hour of depressive affirmations, 1 hour of anger/pain affirmations, and 10 minutes of “positive” affirmations. Cycling through various emotional states for months on end at times. [Some participants never passed beyond levels 1-2].
  • “Bus Barn”/Reflection

And many more which are too extreme to write about. Keep in mind these facilities were for MINORS not ADULTS. And even then, no one deserves this.

***The levels also carried significant weight and responsibility extending even to be a “junior staff”. Levels were hated by everyone, and sometimes created hostility amongst the attendees, guilt trapping many of them. ***

Many institutions were part of WWASPS, but their guidelines and parent pamphlets did not at all coincide to what actually went on in these intuitions.

Here is a link to one such pamphlet, Paradise Cove, some pages are missing; the actual contracts are not included but you can get the general idea of what they entailed.  [ See: Program Pamphlet:

Code Red! Code Green! Code: Name?

Apart from the levels [see pamphlet for level breakdowns and clearances/”rights”] there were also names given to the groups in which these individuals were placed in. These groups usually were referred to as families. Some of the names given to these families coincidentally resembled certain trigger phrases with a lot of psychology behind them.

The names seemed to include code words, presumably triggers, that were reinforced through certain actions/seminars.

Theorized [by attendees, and some psychologists] to have been linked to some type of dismantling security features within the program; in technical terms, a possible self-destruct option like in computer programs. [not literally in this case, or maybe so. See: Psychic Driving – The Legacy Of Donald Ewen Cameron]

Names/Families seemed to correspond to levels as well.

Some of the “Families” included (in no order):

  • Bold
  • Loyalty
  • Freedom
  • Red Velvet Cupcakes
  • Pride
  • Honor
  • Merit
  • Glory
  • Valor
  • Justice

From the various accounts that were given by the victims of these experiments it is agreed that these were proxy families with the pure intent of breaking the person through re-modifications, in other words “helping” the troubled teen. Unfortunately, [and also good] some people cannot be broken, only fractured, and even so that can be repaired too, others however were not so lucky…

The “families” consisted of anywhere between 10 to 20 males/females in any given group [separate of course]


Interrogation Methods Tested for Implementation In Military Operations?

[To Be Added]

Quote by an Individual regarding the use of this DATA

Interesting thing, all these families seemed to have some form of codename……And if you follow basic military training seminars, videos, news etc., from all over the world and locally……Codes are everywhere, as a programmer, codes are everything. These “families” that they had were clearly part of the brainwashed and interrogation methods that were being tested. This is the reason some had family names like “Pride, Patriot, Brave” etc.…..These families coincided with the same treatment [abuse, rape, beatings etc.] and what not attempting to break these “agents” ……[in the military these families are referred to as your squad or unit, Alpha, Delta, Foxtrot, etc.] but perhaps that was a rogue move from the fucked up staff. Although they were in charge, they were themselves enemies of our homeland, America. So they messed with the program rules and methods to prevent the further investigation into these methods and did damage but prevented the research from being usable and eventually the program was scrapped, little by little; some are still in effect.”


Final Words on this Topic

The torture these people faced is enough to write a book about [some people have].

The individuals who have endured these horrible situations have given reports to various news outlets, filed suits against the organization/staff, and continue to seek help while spreading awareness through activism.

As always, this organization [WWASPS] is very large and although most locations under WWWASPS have been shut down [due to government raids due to complaints, and human rights violations] ; there are some locations still active. There have been various documentaries and human rights violation suits since the late 1980s up until the present day!

Unfortunately, the type of abuse and ‘brainwash’/’tool conditioning’ that these folks have endured does not always get better, EVEN with therapy.

These youth had a few problems prior to going to these places: drug abuse, partying, declining grades, mood problems, etc…but AFTER attending these facilities they came out with more problems than ever before…PTSD, waking up in a cold sweat, crying, hallucinations brought on by trauma, physical scars, post electrocution spasms-seizures, inability to return to a normal life in society, and so much more.

You, the reader, CAN make a difference in the lives of these people!

There are various sites that provide advocacy, and if you or someone you know has been subject to this type of torture feel free to visit this website and submit a report.

Site to submit Report*** ***

-On this site you can see the various types of reports that others have submitted as well as connect with others if you were there during the applicable years. There are federal suits already on-going as well as some out of court settlements! Money does little for these people, but pursuing legal action ensures that these sick bastards running the places answer to the Law, as well as ensuring that they NEVER have the ability to work with the youth.

This following link is a Site that lists various types of programs similar or related to WWASPS that also allows victims of this torture to share the experiences and helps spread awareness of the corrupt system these organizations use to trick parents.

Site with a Database of Facilities:

-Feel free to report anything and everything.

Sites & Advocacy

There are many MORE sites and things you can do but these should serve as a bridge between what is already known and publicly disclosed. The links I have provided are 100% true, if referring to research, but may be presented in the form of someone else’s take on the situation.

As far as any resources/databases, they are also accurate and up to date.

Survivor Databases/Real Accounts of what went on

Here are some accounts by some survivors, many have died due to self-inflected injury following the trauma, some have less than normal lives, some were killed during the stay at these places, etc. But one thing is certain: the physical scars show these survivors what they went through, the mental scars remind them.

[There are some disinfo agents in some of the comments, but like all things, the TRUTH trumps lies/disinfo. The multiple law suits filed, examinations by news teams, Department of Justice findings, as well as survivor accounts should suffice to let you know that the attempts by cronies [WWASPS] set up to make less of the situation are futile.


On Parenting

Don’t give up on your child, there is no replacement for the love, patience, and lessons you as parents have to offer your child. Sending them away, no matter how bad the situation is, should NEVER be an option! Some parents, psychologists, teachers and sociologists will argue that certain circumstances will lead to an ultimatum in which intervention is necessary.

After reading this excerpt, I hope you will at least consider other ways to better help your child instead of ignoring the problem, making it someone else’s, and possibly further complicating things. Parenting should never be through systematic reform, instead through compassion, lessons, and perhaps an authoritarian view.

Parenting is not meant to be treated in mechanical terms, humans are not machines.